Messages from the Wild

A series of brief interviews with animals, offering them a chance to give us a perspective on their environment.

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The Woodlouse

3 days ago

3 days ago

Curious creatures woodlice, well I think so. I'm so happy I finally got to talk to one, I'd always wondered if they actually did eat their own poo.
This one comes from the collection I made for The Lost Gardens of Heligan.
With many thanks to Lucy Lapwing, Wildlife Presenter and Campainger @lucy_lapwing
Illustrations by Annabazyl

The Badger

3 days ago

3 days ago

After listening to this badger I think you'll realise that they don't deserve the bad press they seem to get. This one comes from the collection I made for The Lost Gardens of Heligan.
With many thanks to Steve Backshall, Naturalist, Presenter, Author, Campaigner
Illustrations by Annabazyl

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Dragonflies are out and about in all their glory across Britain now so keep your eyes peeled for them. This one comes from the collection I made for The Lost Gardens of Heligan, called Voices from the Lost Gardens.
With many thanks to Steve Jones, Author and Dragonfly expert @aparthenop on Instagram. 
If you want to hear the special bonus segment about their mating sequence, send us an email.
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The Bluebell

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Bluebells are at their peak across Britain now and they love to be admired but they really suffer as a whole if any of them are trampled on. This one comes from the collection I made for The Lost Gardens of Heligan, called Voices from the Lost Gardens.
With many thanks to Nicola Bradley, Head Gardener at the Lost Gardens as she really brings these beautiful flowers to life. She's the perfect Bluebell.
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The Oak Tree

Friday Dec 22, 2023

Friday Dec 22, 2023

An alternative to the traditional Christmas tree but perhaps more quintessentially British, The Oak. 
This Oak lives at the Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall and comes from the collection I made for them last year: Voices from the Lost Gardens.
With many thanks to the wonderful Dame Judi Dench, who really could not have been a more perfect Oak.

The Berkshire Pig

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

A perfect winter warmer, this one comes from the collection I made for The Lost Gardens of Heligan, called Voices from the Lost Gardens.
Jimmy Docherty really makes me laugh and he knows his stuff too - farmer, entomologist, television presenter and I would add comedian. 
Visit Jimmy’s Farm and support the Rare Breeds Survival Trust.

The Short Snouted Seahorse

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

This interview comes from a collection called Voices from the Ocean.
It is such an important series as we really know so little about the ocean. It comes to us with thanks to Gallifrey Foundation and Mission Blue, finding experts from all over the world to give us their time and energy so that we can be entertained whilst being educated.
“With knowing, comes caring, and with caring there’s hope, that we can find an enduring place for ourselves within the natural systems that support us. But first, we have to know.” Dr Sylvia Earle
And with many thanks to Marine Biologist, Lucy Woodall of Nekton 
How to respect and protect seahorses
Seahorses help protect seagrasses, seaweeds and coral reefs. They are important predators for bottom-dwelling organisms. But, they are often caught just to be sold as souvenir pets. Don’t buy seahorses. Don’t pollute the ocean with plastics and chemicals. Demand protection for seahorse habitats.
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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Friday Oct 27, 2023

This is not a good time of year for hedgehogs in Britain so please take a couple of minutes to listen to this public service announcement from one. And please pass it on as far and wide as possible. Thank you. 
With many thanks to Yvonne Cox, Founder of Hedgehog Rescue, South Gloucestershire
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The Tardigrade

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

With many thanks to Dr George McGavin, Zoologist, Broadcaster, Author
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The Peppered Moth Caterpillar

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

With many thanks to Matt Brierley, wildlife filmmaker
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The House Spider

Friday Jun 19, 2020

Friday Jun 19, 2020

This is for Max, a Spider Ambassador, which we should all be really. Maybe once you've heard this fascinating House Spider, you may want to become one, it certainly changed my view of them. 
with many thanks to Peter Smithers, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society
Entomologist, University of Plymouth
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The Dandelion

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

Plants have a message too and as it's Spring, I thought it would be a good time to give the dandelion a voice.
A favourite of the Ashy Mining Bee.
with many thanks Alex Morss
Ecologist and Author   @morss_alex 
Messages from the Wild on iTunes
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The Green Cellar Slug

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Some slugs are useful.
And funny.
with many thanks to Dr Ben Rowson
Senior Curator: Invertebrate Biodiversity (Terrestrial Mollusca), National Museum Cardiff 
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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The Ashy Mining Bee

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020

Messages from the Wild podcast has been hibernating (for good reason) but as spring has arrived in Europe now is the time to hear from the Ashy Mining Bee who will be out and about pollinating and building her nest in the ground in relative peace and quiet.
with many thanks to Rhian Rowson
Natural History Curator, Bristol Museum, Galleries and Archives
Illustrations by Annabazyl
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#024 The Highland Midge

Monday Dec 24, 2018

Monday Dec 24, 2018

With many thanks to Dr George McGavin,
Zoologist, Broadcaster, Author 
That ends the First Season of Messages from the Wild.
Please send any requests for animals you'd particularly like to hear from for the next season....coming soon.
And please send feedback.
Thank you for listening.
Happy Christmas.
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Many thanks to Anna for her wonderful illustrations

Sunday Dec 23, 2018

With many thanks to Peter Rock,
Urban Gull Expert, Research Associate, University of Bristol
Coming up next...The Highland Midge
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#022 The Purse Web Spider

Saturday Dec 22, 2018

Saturday Dec 22, 2018

With thanks to Mark Pajak,
Spider Expert, Bristol Museum and Art Galleries   
Twitter: @markyspider
Coming up next...The Lesser Black Backed Gull
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#021 The Great Crested Newt

Friday Dec 21, 2018

Friday Dec 21, 2018

With many thanks to David Dewsbury,
Wildlife Enthusiast and Researcher, Forest of Dean
Coming up next...The Purse Web Spider
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#020 The Blow Fly

Thursday Dec 20, 2018

Thursday Dec 20, 2018

With many thanks to Dr Amoret Whitaker,
Senior Lecturer (University of Winchester)
Scientific Associate (Natural History Museum, London)
coming up next...The Great Crested Newt
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#019 The Greater Horseshoe Bat

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018

With many thanks to David Brown,
Bat Specialist, Avon Bat Group
Coming up next...The Blow Fly
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#018 The Earwig

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

With thanks to Ray Barnett,
Head of Collections and Archives, Bristol Museum and Art Galleries |
Coming up next...The Greater Horseshoe Bat
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#017 The Dung Beetle

Monday Dec 17, 2018

Monday Dec 17, 2018

With many thanks to Dr George McGavin,
Zoologist, Broadcaster, Author 
Coming up next...The Earwig
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#016 The Hazel Dormouse

Sunday Dec 16, 2018

Sunday Dec 16, 2018

With many thanks to Gill Brown,
Dormouse Specialist Surveyor, Bristol Naturalists’ Society
Coming up next...The Dung Beetle
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#015 The Holly Blue Butterfly

Saturday Dec 15, 2018

Saturday Dec 15, 2018

With many thanks to Ray Barnett,
Head of Collections and Archives, Bristol Museum and Art Galleries |
Coming up next...The Hazel Dormouse
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#014 The Cow

Friday Dec 14, 2018

Friday Dec 14, 2018

With many thanks to Rosamund Young,
Farmer and Author 
Coming up next...The Holly Blue Butterfly
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#013 The Koala

Thursday Dec 13, 2018

Thursday Dec 13, 2018

With many thanks to Andrew Knight,
Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics, University of Winchester 
Coming up next...The Cow
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#012 The Cellar Spider

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018

With many thanks to Mark Pajak,
Spider Expert, Bristol Museum and Art Galleries   
Coming up next...The Koala
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#011 The Barn Owl

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018

With many thanks to Ian McGuire,
Wildlife Educator and Owl Specialist 
Coming up next...The Cellar Spider
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#010 The Otter

Monday Dec 10, 2018

Monday Dec 10, 2018

With many thanks to Gill Brown,
Otter Specialist Surveyor, Bristol Naturalists’ Society
Coming up next...The Barn Owl
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Illustrations by Annabazyl

#009 The Ladybird

Sunday Dec 09, 2018

Sunday Dec 09, 2018

With many thanks to Ray Barnett,
Head of Collections and Archives, Bristol Museum and Art Galleries |
Coming up next...The Otter
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Illustrations by Annabazyl


A new perspective

Annabel Ross’s Messages from the Wild is a collection of brief, quirky, curious and subtly educational interviews with animals, where experts speak on their behalf.

Messages From The Wild is playing its  part in capturing people’s imaginations and restoring our relationship with the wildlife around us. We want everyone to start listening and stop ignoring our natural world. It makes for a better life when people protect nature because they really want to, not just because they have to.


“Hilariously funny and informative at the same time.”

Copyright 2018 © Annabel Ross. All rights reserved.

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